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Welcome to TransHR Staffing Solutions

HR Consultant


TransHR Staffing Solutions is an

HR Consultant for Educational Institutions.

Open for a Career Change

Looking for the Right Candidate


100+ Jobs


100% Client Satisfaction


100,000+ Candidates

TransHR Staffing Solutions

TransHR Staffing Solutions' 

Our Mission: Connect Right People with the Right Organization.

Our Commitment- Excellent Service to Employers & Job seekers.

Our Services

You Hire With Confidence

Think of your workload: You know hiring is important, but when do you actually have the time to focus on it? With rapidly changing hiring laws, a shallow local talent pool and limited time available, your hunt for the perfect candidate leaves you feeling both overworked and overwhelmed.

Request Call Back

As far as we are concerned, reading the business literature is one of the most efficient ways of upgrading your skills. So use this unique opportunity…

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